Finally, a comfortable pet cone!

Olive (and many other dogs I’m sure) hates the regular Elizabethan collar, the plastic “cone of shame” used to keep dogs from licking their wounds or rashes. She completely freezes and will stand for hours staring at you with the cumbersome E-collar on. Hours. That’s if you can monitor her for that long. Because the moment you turn your back, she will shake her head vigorously and paw it off somehow, no matter how tight I’ve tied it on, along with her collar!

So we jumped at the chance to try out the Kong Cushion, which is a comfortable inflatable ring which will prevent your dog from licking their paws or wounds. It is also super easy to clean and to put on with velcro fasteners.


Olive is able to FALL ASLEEP with this on. This says it all. She is still very much conscious of it but it doesn’t bother or scare her like the E-collar. She can eat and drink unhindered. It is effective enough in preventing her from licking and scratching most parts of her, but she can still reach her tail and in some cases, the tip of her hind paws. Maybe a Large will solve that issue completely, but the Medium is good enough for us.


Olive catching up on her beauty sleep…

We do not recommend this ring for dogs who will bite the ring or continuously try to paw it off, as it can be punctured with teeth or sharp nails.

The Kong Cushion is available for sale at Kohepets, ranging from $30 to $56.